2. Cousin Simon's meltdown with Macey (see depictive photo). Bright side: Pam shoes will smell like bubbles for a lifetime AND Macey will never again pour bubble mix into anyone's shoes.

3. Brian Cooper's wipe out (see depictive photo). Bright side: Brian beat the land speed record for zero to sixty MPH and then back down to zero (4.8 seconds up and 1.3 seconds down in 14 feet). Congratulations Brian Cooper! I hope the road rash does not scar.

4. Uncle Sean's hammer and bell victory at the county fair. (see actual winning shot in the photo). Congratulations Uncle Sean. Bright side: new tradition established. Next year we will enter the wood cutting, pan throwing, and horse-pull competitions. Please begin training for your respective competitive category.
5. Federal and state and law enforcement officials crack down on the annual fireworks extravaganza. Allegedly complaints came in as far away as Montreal this year. A hearty congratulations to the Fireworks Committee. Note worthy quote by Tucker, "It's the police, RUN!" Bright side: Connor was able to go to bed early that night. (no photos permitted)
Please forward your pictures for archiving and evidentiary purposes. See you next year!
Closing thoughts: Begin thinking about the 10th annual CGAS blowout. Should we include the larger extended family? Just a thought.
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