Sunday, June 15, 2008

The King's Jester - One of Three - May 2008

This series was surreptitiously recorded last month. I was inside the house and overheard some laughing and screaming outside. This is what I witnessed as I looked out the window: Mindy entertaining our little King. I found the moment too irresistible to pass without documentation. Hence, this three part King/Jester series. Enjoy. Unfortunately, due to proximity to the action and being behind a closed window, there is no sound. (if you watch the video slowly you can see Connor pointing around the sixth second into the video as if he is requesting, demanding even, that Mindy perform some Jester-like trick to entertain him. Watch Connor's left arm around the sixth second in the video).

The King's Jester - Two of Three - May 2008

Connor is very lucky to have such a multi-talented mother. Mindy's performance went on for quite awhile. Again, sorry the sound did not register, but what you would have heard is Connor laughing his butt off. A happy King makes for happy subjects. Great work Momma.

The King's Jester - Three of Three - May 2008

it doesn't get any better than this. I hope Connor appreciates the lengths his mother goes to for his enjoyment. I know I sure do.