Mindy and Connor a few minutes after his arrival! The delivery was very very eventful. Details to follow.
Connor getting ready to leave the hospital and go home.
Connor fitted snugly into his car seat for his trip home. Normal travel time from Boston to home without traffic... 30 minutes... with new baby... 2.5 hours. I never got above 16 MPH.
This is Connor in Mindy's arms. This is his usual appearance throughout any given day.
This is Connor hang'n in his bassinet. As you can see, he is very, very relaxed at home. He even has some decent biceps for a little guy!
This is just a quick post with some photos. Everyone is happy and healthy. We are all home and Mindy and I are learning how Connor James works. Very challenging indeed. He was born 5/25/2007 at 1:37PM. He weighed in at 8 pounds and 3 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches. We are tired but loving every minute of it! I will post a more detailed narration soon. We can't wait to introduce him to everyone. Connor is next to me right now and says hello!